Congratulations to our 2010 award winners: 

Lucas Pinter, Best Epiphany Student Film "Forklift/Hummer Crash"

Allison Frank, Best Student Film "Otto"

Kelly Mermelstein, Best of Show "(F)Light"

Thanks to everyone for helping to promote the arts at The Epiphany School. A limited number of DVDs of the Epiphany student films are available for sale. Please contact:


1         (F)light  2:38         Kelly Mermelstein   USA

2         For a Fistful of Snow 6:00         Julien Ezri   SWITZERLAND

3          The "E" Files  2:49         Ariana Aradio, Jennifer Kellner, Victoria Testa   USA

4           Random People…and Erin"  2:00         Erin Nealy, Evelyn O'Byrne   USA

5           Getting Home  3:12         Jack Gillespie   USA

6           Second Grade Zombies  2:00         Liam Gallagher, Eamon Kelly, Brian Kenna, Jack Mirto, Luca Vertucci   USA

7           The Forklift/ Hummer Crash 1:44         Lucas Pinter   USA

8           The Arctic Circle  2:00         Erik Kataisto   USA

9         New York On Ice  5:00         Caroline Coia, Katie Brennan   USA

10         Stunts 3:00         Finn Kinsella, Ervin Mullalli, Eric Wilke

11         Topi  6:00         Arjun Rihan   USA

12         JET (Junior ExtraTerrestrial) 4:00         V. ‘dr.sassi’ Sassmannshausen   USA

13         The Possessed 4:00         Jacqueline Grogan   USA

14         Stunts 3:00         Finn Kinsella, Ervin Mullalli, Eric Wilke USA

15         Killer Snake  2:30         Athena Stuebe   USA

16         Red Man in Motion  2:00         Christopher Smith   USA

17         Chickens of the Sea    7:00         Steve Furman   USA

18         Otto  2:00         Allison Frank   USA


19         Locally Unwanted Land Usage  7:00         Katherine Balsley   USA

20         The Mousse Tale   3:14         Cilian Tung   USA

21         Don't Eat Like A Pig  & Curiosity Killed the Blob   1:44       Kenzo Repola   USA

22         Poka Plays with Pokadots  1:40         Claudia Cantalini, with Jay Cantalini   USA

23         The Girl Who Thought She was a Bird  3:00         Carolilne Crotty, Brennan Gallagher, Brett Restrick USA

24         A Day in the Life of Jude Kelly  2:48         Jude Kelly   USA

25         Eve's Awakening   7:05         Francois & Hannalie Driessen   CANADA

26         Capitan   6:00         Diego Diaz   USA

27         Kaitlin’s Dream  4:00         Christopher Morgan   USA

28         Akosua's Journey To The Epiphany School  3:00         Akosua Wordie   USA

29         Murphy's Shorts   2:17         Todd Hemker   USA

30         Kickin' It  3:05         Ariana Aradio, Jennifer Kellneer, Olivia Testa, Victoria Testa, Jillian Thompson, Jessica Thompson   USA

31         Crank Balls   5:00         Devin Bell  USA



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